Excel Shortcuts



To whom it may concern.
I am a very profficient Excel user. I have only used PCs in my life. I
just bought a Mac and I am kind of frustrated with the following:
a) To lock a cell in a PC environment, a user could just hit F4. Here
in a Mac, I have to hit the Mac Button + T. Is it possible to change
these shortcuts and adjust them back to the PC ones?
b) In a PC environment again, I could skip through the worksheets by
pressing control and down (or up). My powerbook pro does not have an
end button. Is it still possible to navigate through the pages
quickly? Is there a Mac shortcut list that I can find somewhere and
modify it?


JE McGimpsey

dimitmant said:
I am a very profficient Excel user. I have only used PCs in my life. I
just bought a Mac and I am kind of frustrated with the following:
a) To lock a cell in a PC environment, a user could just hit F4. Here
in a Mac, I have to hit the Mac Button + T. Is it possible to change
these shortcuts and adjust them back to the PC ones?

FWIW, I was just as frustrated when Microsoft originally ported XL from
Mac to Windows and screwed up many of the existing Mac shortcuts. XL had
been out for Mac for several years before Windows itself, and it *was* a
pain to have to learn two sets of shortcuts.

That said, in MacXL you can use Tools/Customize/Customize Keyboard to
customize MOST commands to most any keyboard shortcut you wish.

Unfortunately, F4 is one of the few that you can't change without a
system utility like QuickKeys, since it operates in Edit Mode, and
therefore isn't strictly an XL command that can be remapped.
b) In a PC environment again, I could skip through the worksheets by
pressing control and down (or up). My powerbook pro does not have an
end button. Is it still possible to navigate through the pages
quickly? Is there a Mac shortcut list that I can find somewhere and
modify it?

Well, as your first step, you should try looking at XL Help (search for
"Keyboard shortcuts" - you'll find the topic).

And you can look through the commands in Tools/Customize/Customize
Keyboard... and see what shortcuts are assigned to the command of
interest, and you can modify them as you wish.

You use the same shortcut: CTRL-PGDOWN/PGUP to cycle through the
worksheets. Depending on your system keyboard preferences, you probably
need to hold down the FN key on your PB to get PGDOWN/PGUP.

On my PB, the END key is also on the right-arrow key, also activated
when the FN key is held down.

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