Excel Slow When Opening Linked Files with VLOOKUP Functions with >



We had had a few instances of folks lately having problems with slow response
opening their excel files from shortcuts on their desktops. When they
originally open the files (maybe linked with 4 other files), but have VLOOKUP
functions, it is extremely slow. They cannot click the menu or do anything
for several minutes.

We are on Windows 2000 SP4. In my testing, it only happens with excel
shortcuts. Opening the file from favorites or opening the file from within
excel works fine. They mentioned this started happening some time this year
and are finally fed up with this.. These are people that work in spreadsheets
all day and need to run from several shortcuts. I found the TID, but we
already have SP3 with all the latest security patches. I was wondering
possibly if it had something to do with an update, since Office SP1a should
have taken care of this problem. It I shut off Norton and the firewall, it
is still extremely slow.

I have run FileMon and it just blows my mind to see when I open from a
shortcut how much and how many times it writes out to the pagefil.sys,
compared to a small amount when excel is opened.

Does anyone have any knowledge of this or ever heard of this. Let me know.



not sure it will make a difference but if the problem is only occuring when
opening from a desktop shortcut it might be worth seeing if this is sped up
with a workspace shortcut on the desktop instead.

open the file, choose file / save workspace ... place this on the desktop.
See if opening it this way is quicker than the desktop shortcut of the file.
Would be interested to hear the outcome.



Hi JulieD.....I've tried this and it doesn't seem to make a difference. I've
having some of the clients that have a lot of Vlookups trial this and I'll
let you know though. It seems to me, this is the same case scenario as
"XL2000: Linked Files with Lookup Functions Updated Much More Slowly Than in
Earlier Versions of Excel" in the knowledgebase, except that we are patched
past SP3 with all security patches. My question is, did they break this
again with a security patch or something? This would not be unheard of to
break something that was once fixed? What do you think. Thanks in advance.



sorry i've got really no further ideas on this .. hope you find a solution.


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