Excel Solver


Mark Reuber

I have a very simple model I've created with with Excel Solver. Easy
data with which I can easily come up with solutions seems to baffle

Is there anybody out there that would receive this spreadsheet to and
give me some input?

Joe User

Mark Reuber said:
Is there anybody out there that would receive this
spreadsheet to and give me some input?

I struggle with Solver myself sometimes. It is not always able to find
solutions, especially with the default options.

But I would be willing to take a look-see. Send your workbook (Excel 2003
or earlier) to joeu2004 "at" hotmail.com. The email subject should be the
same as this thread.

----- original message -----

Mark Reuber

I struggle with Solver myself sometimes.  It is not always able to find
solutions, especially with the default options.

But I would be willing to take a look-see.  Send your workbook (Excel 2003
or earlier) to joeu2004 "at" hotmail.com.  The email subject should be the
same as this thread.

----- original message -----

I emailed the file with an explanation in email body. Let me know
what you think! Thanks in advance!

Joe User

I said:
But I would be willing to take a look-see.

Although I might have made some progress, I do not think my comments to Mark
resulting from my look-see were very helpful.

So if someone else wants to take a whack at it, I hope you will contact Mark
or respond to the thread so that Mark can contact you.

----- original message -----


I have some experience with optimization modeling and Excel. I canno
promise anything, but I would be willing to take a look at your mode
and see if I could shed some light on the problem.

mark (at) lindo (dot) com

Martin Brown

Joe said:
Although I might have made some progress, I do not think my comments to
Mark resulting from my look-see were very helpful.

So if someone else wants to take a whack at it, I hope you will contact
Mark or respond to the thread so that Mark can contact you.

I am curious to see the sort of simple model that Solver cannot solve
reliably - Solver is actually not bad at most basic problems although
sometimes it needs a bit of help. It is easy to cast problems so that it
cannot solve them if you don't understand how it works.

Please send me a copy to look at. No promises of a fix...

Martin Brown

PS. My odd looking reply to address is valid provided that it is
not altered in any way.

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