Excel Tables - Cross tbl tp Reg tbl



Hello, Can any one help me with my dilemma here: I am tring to convert my
"cross-table" looking table to a regular table, see below details:

clmn A clmn B clmn C Totals 2008 Totals 2009 Totals 2010
Info1 data data $$$ $$$ $$$
Info2 data data $$$ $$$ $$$
Info3 data data $$$ $$$ $$$

I want:
clmn A clmn B clmn C colmn D Value
Info1 data data Totals 2008 $$$
Info1 data data Totals 2009 $$$
Info1 data data Totals 2010 $$$
Info2 data data Totals 2008 $$$
Info2 data data Totals 2009 $$$
Info2 data data Totals 2010 $$$
Info3 data data Totals 2008 $$$
Info3 data data Totals 2009 $$$
Info3 data data Totals 2010 $$$

Please help. I tried Pivot but it would show only once of Info and the two
Thanks in advance.

Jacob Skaria

Suppose your data starts from Row2 of sheet "cross-tbl" with Row1 having
headers..as below

Head1 Head2 Head3 2008 2009
Info1 data data 1 4
Info2 data data 2 5
Info3 data data 3 6

Try the below formula in another Sheet cell A1 and copy/drag the formula to
cells B1 and C1..Now drag down the formula as required...


In cell D1 enter the formula and copy down as required

In cell E1 enter the formula and copy down as required


Thanks, Jacob. It worked!

Jacob Skaria said:
Suppose your data starts from Row2 of sheet "cross-tbl" with Row1 having
headers..as below

Head1 Head2 Head3 2008 2009
Info1 data data 1 4
Info2 data data 2 5
Info3 data data 3 6

Try the below formula in another Sheet cell A1 and copy/drag the formula to
cells B1 and C1..Now drag down the formula as required...


In cell D1 enter the formula and copy down as required

In cell E1 enter the formula and copy down as required

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