Excel Taking Long TIme to Start

  • Thread starter Sanford Lefkowitz
  • Start date

Sanford Lefkowitz

When I try to start up Excel, it takes a VERY long time to open (like 3-4
Much of the time, there is a message in the lower left, saying 'requesting
virus scan'
(I use Norton for my anti-virus). If I disable NAV, that does shorten the
time for Excel to open, but it stil takes 1-2 minutes. I have a similar
problem with Word, but it is not as bad. This problem developed gradually and
is getting worse. I do not have this problem with non-MS applications.
Any idea what to do anbout this?



You may have too many "Add-in's" and/or an auto-start file that Excel is
having difficulty in retrieving during startup.........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Bob Phillips

You may want to clean up your windows temp folder. When this folder gets
cluttered, excel can be slow to load.

close excel and all other applications
windows start button>run

and delete as many files/folders as you can.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

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