Excel Template



Does Excel use a "normal.dot" template inwhich I could
set a standard header and footer for use by all
worksheets and spreadsheets?

Norman Harker

Hi Phil!

Excel doesn't work that way but you can achieve the same thing:

Open Excel and create the base for what you want.

Modify a workbook to what you want
Tools > Save As
File Type > Select "Excel Template (*.xlt)" from the list
File Name > Book [Excel will add the .xlt for you]
File location should be the XLSTART Folder which typically is at:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\XLStart

This will now open each time you open Excel or ask for a new file.

Norman Harker MVP (Excel)
Sydney, Australia
(e-mail address removed)
Excel and Word Function Lists (Classifications, Syntax and Arguments)
available free to good homes.

Gord Dibben


You need to create a Template with your headers and footers as you want them.

One or both of the following....

To create a default workbook.

File>New>Workbook. Format sheets as you wish then File>Save As>File Type>
scroll down to Excel Template(*.xlt)

Name it BOOK(no extension, excel will look after that).

Store it in your XLSTART folder. It will become the default "New" workbook.

Open another new file, delete all but one sheet and format as you wish. Same
steps in file-saving as above except name it SHEET.

This will become the default Insert>New worksheet.

XLSTART folder is usually at..........

X:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART

Note: if you have several sheets and want them with same header/footer you
can "group" the sheets by right-click"select all sheets". Make changes to one
and all reflect that change.

DO NO FORGET to "ungroup" before making unwanted changes.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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