Excel to Access Import Automation error when it encounters #DIV/0!



Hello all,

I've run into an infuriating problem when using Automation to import
data from an Excel spreadsheet to Access.

The Situation:
My boss gives me an Excel spreadsheet with data I need to import into
specific tables in an Access Database. Unfourtunately, due to the
numerous errors and bad data, I decided to use VBA Automation to have
the most control over the imported data.

The Problem:
All works well until I run into a (all to frequent) #DIV/0! error on
the spreadsheet. VBA gives me a 'Type Mismatch' error associated with
this line of code:

If Left(Trim(Nz(.Cells(row, col).Value)), 1) <> "-" And Nz(.Cells(row,
col).Value) <> "" Then <----- Error occurs here!!!!
rs.Fields(FldArr(i)) = .Cells(row, col).Value
End If

Is there a way that I can check to see if the cell has the #DIV/0!
error before trying to check its value or is there a function that I
can use to ignore/convert this error, like Nz() does for null values?

Thanks in Advance!

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