EXCEL: to retrive data from the web


Aldo Pellizzi

I am an excel novice.
I would like to know whether it is possible to make use of a VBA program or
some other mechanism so that I may instruct excel to automatically retrive
data from the web or, even better, an XLS file containing financial data from
"Yahoo finance" and load the data upon startup.
An example of the data I would like excel to fetch and import can be found
at http://finance.yahoo.com/
How may I configure excel for thios task? Thanks.
Aldo Pellizzi


This is called a web query

Click on DATA > Import External Data > New Web Quer

This opens a mini-browser. Use it to navigate to Yahoo and th
financial info you want to collect. You'll notice little yello
arrows...those represent sets of web data you can "grab".

When the data you want is onscreen, click on the arrow next to tha
data and it becomes a green checkmark

Click on "IMPORT" and point your spreadsheet to where you want this t
appear. Click on PROPERTIES to setup some extra parameters, like ho
often the data should refresh from the web

It's usually best to collect this info on a scrap worksheet, then us
cell references to pull info from it onto the sheets where you read i
laid out the way you want

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