Excel to Word Merge


John Viall

Without writing a VB script, is there a way to do a conditional merge on data
setup in a table like the following:

Name Session Type
Jane Doe Morning Absent
Jane Doe Morning Consecutive Absence
Jane Doe Morning Failure
John Doe Morning Absent

The data will always, or can be always, sorted in this fashion. Using the
Skip Record If, I can set it up so that I can eliminate records based on
Session and Type. But is there a way where I can skip a record based on a
previous records data, Name?

For instance, with the data above, I have one letter that goes out for
Failure, and another letter for Absent and Consecutive. If I use the built
in functions, I will get two letters for Jane Doe, one for Absent, another
for Consecutive Absence. I only need one.

The original table needs to remain intact, so removing the duplicate from
the source really isn't an option.

Thanks in advance.
John Viall

Graham Mayor

A simple method would be to add a column to the data sheet 'Letter' to
derive the required letter type eg

=IF(A3 <> A2,C2,"") in D3 (drag down to fill the rest) will pick the last
one in the list

Name Session Type Letter
Jane Doe Morning Absent
Jane Doe Morning Consecutive Absence
Jane Doe Morning Failure Failure
John Doe Morning Absent Absent

Then SkipIf when that field is empty.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

John Viall

Thanks, sometimes the simplest solutions are the ones we don't think about.


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