excel trying to sum a column of calculated values



I know that the answer to this is really pretty simple. since what I am
trying to do is really so simple but I can't make it work. I wrote a if
formula that enters a value into a cell under specific sonditions and then I
want to sum that column of calculated values into one cell at the bottom of
that column and it won't work. If I manually enter a value in the cell in
the column it sums in the bottom cell. but a calculated value will not sum
into the cell. whats up.



EdMac said:
Works for me when I do it, what exactly are you entering?


EdMac's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=30736
View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?threadid=504440
column a is the hours of the day broken up into 15 minute segments,
column B is a large cell with room for a deffinition for work performed during that 15 minute time window.
brings up another question! what is the limitation of text entered into a cell? increasing cell size and or decreasing font size seemed to have no bearing on the outcome of the amount of text one cold enter before getting the error ######
column c is the time which would be in the form of time 0:15 minutes
I wrote a formula in that cell C4 so that =if (B4 >"( )",0:15,0:00) This gives me an entry for 15 minutes if there is information written in B4, else it enters it as 0:00
I found earlier that the sum function would only sum the time format if you had a manual entry with a leading 0 0:05 but not if you had say a :05 it would ignore it.
but now I am trying to get it to make the time entry by calculation and then sum those calculations. and can not get it to work.
I kinda made a work around on it by calculating the first cell as > =if(B4>"( )",0:15,0:00) and then the next cell down
=if(B5>"( )",0:15,0:00)+C4 and then copying that formula into progressive cells down the spreadsheet.
this results in a running total of the time and then at the bottom of the column cell 101 has a title of (total time worked) and a formula of =(C100) as the label would generate an extra 15 minutes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Not what I was looking for and isn't as neat and tidy but it does work.
still would like for it to do what I wish for it to do. I hate it when the damn puter argues with me. If you can figure a fix for this I would greatly appreciate it. thanks


Hi Rowdy,

Why not do it the easy way!

If all your times are 15 minutes you can just do it with numbers rather
than time format - I tend to have problems with time.

The boxes where you put text need to be formatted to wrap the text
-Format>alignment>wrap text.

In Col C the IF statement can either be in the form =IF(B4="",0,15) or

You can then sum the entries and divide by 60 to give hours.

Any Good



EdMac said:
Hi Rowdy,

Why not do it the easy way!

If all your times are 15 minutes you can just do it with numbers rather
than time format - I tend to have problems with time.

The boxes where you put text need to be formatted to wrap the text
-Format>alignment>wrap text.

In Col C the IF statement can either be in the form =IF(B4="",0,15) or

You can then sum the entries and divide by 60 to give hours.

Any Good


EdMac's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php?action=getinfo&userid=30736
View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread.php?threadid=504440

Hey Ed

Yep that actually works pretty well, wonder why it will sum a calculation of a number but not a calculation of a time? The newer the version of excel the more trouble it gives me.

Oh yes the thing with the content of a cell I think must have like a 255 character max per cell or something like that, I haven't had time to count them but I did use the word wrap in format. I may be kinda rusty at excel but not that rusty. anyway thanks for your help and I will almost guarantee you I will be back with more questions. thanks again

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