Excel typing over letters



I have been having a time trying to get my office to work. I had to
uninstall it because SharePoint would not upload my website. Then I could
not get office to reinstall. I finally got it to install without erroring
out, but when I tried to use it, is said there was not enough free space to
run.. Grrrrr

I deleated all the registry keys and now it is installed and working.

Everything "seems" fine except one thing. When I try and type in an Excel
square it will type the first letter, but then all the rest of the letters go
over top and repace the one before it. For example, if I were to type "IT"
the I would show, and then when I type the T, it will erase the I and take
it's place. Also it will not let me type in the formula bar, I have to
double click in the cell itself to innitalize typing. What's the deal??


johamshason via OfficeKB.com

Hey Justin

The first scenario of replacing: I hope the INSERT key is not on.
For formula bar: What happens in excel safemode and which version of XL is it

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