Excel upgrd 03 to 07



Are there any compatibility issues relating to Excel 2003 formulas or macros
if I
upgrade to Ofc 2007

Bob Umlas, Excel MVP

Most macros will work fine. But it also depends on what you're doing. There
have been several things which are no longer supported in excel 2007, but
they were "deprecated" because so few people used them anyway, so you're
probably ok. Time to bite the bullet.

Jon Peltier

Then again, before biting the bullet, it behooves the user to download the
trial version and test all of your important work thoroughly.

- Jon

Peo Sjoblom

And preferably installing it on a virtual hd since virtual pc is free of
charge these days so the OP doesn't mess up anything if he wants to go back
to 2003



Peo Sjoblom

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