Excel User Conference in October...


Bob Umlas

There's a wonderful conference for Excel Users. Led by Excel MVP's and Excel
gurus. Find out details at
http://www.exceluserconference.com and sign up! This is the 4th time it's
been done - Fort Worth, Atlantic City, London, and now Marina Del Rey,
Come one, come all!


I'm a bit confused - site says 1st one was at Ft. Worth, but that the one in
the Texas area this time will be Houston? Ft. Worth I could make as a 2 day
one-night jaunt, Houston makes it a 4-day 3-night (or)deal for me.

Bob Phillips

Fort Worth was last year. Atlantic City and London were earlier this year.

In 2007, there are scheduled conferences at Houston, St Louis and London.


Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

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