Tom wilson
This is driving me nuts. I'm trying to update an Excel spreadsheet
using ADO.Net and Oledb in VB.Net. The connection is open, the
adapter is connected and the dataset is loaded. Here's the code in
myDataRow = myDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(RowNum)
myDataRow(ColumnCount) = Ailment
Adapter.UpdateCommand = New OleDbCommand("UPDATE [" &
SheetName & "] SET F" & ColumnCount & " = '" & Ailment & "' where F1 =
" & RowNum & "", Conn)
Adapter.Update(myDataSet, "[" & SheetName & "]")
The query sent is:
"UPDATE [Drugs cleaned up$] SET F6 = 'Test Ailment' where F1 = 1"
In the spreadsheet, F1 = 1. It's a uniquely numbered column and I
assume, the primary key. F6 is also a valid column. The Sheet name
is also correct cause it's open. I figured, and am told from MS
documents, that a unique column is required to make it an updateable
query. That's what I've done but I can't get anything but:
"operation must use an updateable query"
Every article I find with a solution says it's a permissions issue
with ASP.Net. But this is VB.Net, everything running from a machine
with Administrator privs. The C drive and the file have Full Access
to Everyone and the sheet(s) are not protected.
Any ideas?
using ADO.Net and Oledb in VB.Net. The connection is open, the
adapter is connected and the dataset is loaded. Here's the code in
myDataRow = myDataSet.Tables(0).Rows(RowNum)
myDataRow(ColumnCount) = Ailment
Adapter.UpdateCommand = New OleDbCommand("UPDATE [" &
SheetName & "] SET F" & ColumnCount & " = '" & Ailment & "' where F1 =
" & RowNum & "", Conn)
Adapter.Update(myDataSet, "[" & SheetName & "]")
The query sent is:
"UPDATE [Drugs cleaned up$] SET F6 = 'Test Ailment' where F1 = 1"
In the spreadsheet, F1 = 1. It's a uniquely numbered column and I
assume, the primary key. F6 is also a valid column. The Sheet name
is also correct cause it's open. I figured, and am told from MS
documents, that a unique column is required to make it an updateable
query. That's what I've done but I can't get anything but:
"operation must use an updateable query"
Every article I find with a solution says it's a permissions issue
with ASP.Net. But this is VB.Net, everything running from a machine
with Administrator privs. The C drive and the file have Full Access
to Everyone and the sheet(s) are not protected.
Any ideas?