Excel VB - copying formatted dates programatically



I have a date field with "yymmdd" format. I want to programatically convert
that to text that looks identical to the formatted date for use in
dimensioned variables/strings.
e.g. - date 6/10/2008 formatted looks like "080610". I want to use a/the
text string "080610" for various other uses. Can anyone help?

Jim Thomlinson

I am assuiming you have an actual date and not a string to be converted.

dim strDate as string
strdate = format(range("A1").value, "yymmdd")


Many thanks - I found a longer way involving month, day, and year functions,
but this is clean. Yes, I have an actual date. thanks gain.....

Jim Thomlinson

If you format the date in the approproately in the spreadsheet the you could
just use

dim strDate as string
strdate = range("A1").text


What I love about VB is there are often many ways to skin the cat. Thanks
again for your insight and options.

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