Joshua Fandango
Hi guys & gals,
Funny one this.
Using an amalgam of 2 codes I found on the ever helpful Chip Pearson's
I (finally) figured out how to write to the 'ThisWorkbook' module of a
VBA project.
All good so far...
Until, that is, when I save the workbook the code resides in and
re-open it said code has disappeared! If there is other code present
in the same standard module then only the code goes - if it resides in
a module on it's own, then the module disappears.
As I'm sure you can imagine this is a little annoying and I'm not
sufficiently gifted to hazard a guess as to what is going on as there
seems to be nothing about the code itself that would make this happen.
It has been a good learning experience though as I had to re-write it
twice before I saved it elsewhere and managed to knock it down by a
few lines each time.
Code follows.....
Sub Auto_Write_To_ThisWorkbook()
Dim StartLine As Long
Dim LineNum As Long
''Inserts BeforeClose event in ThisWorkbook module of the active
'With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("ThisWorkbook").CodeModule
' StartLine = .CreateEventProc("BeforeClose", "Workbook") + 1
'End With
'Inserts BeforeClose event in ThisWorkbook module of the active
'and adds the body of the text of the procedure to the event
With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("ThisWorkbook").CodeModule
StartLine = .CreateEventProc("BeforeClose", "Workbook") + 2
LineNum = 3
.InsertLines LineNum, _
"Ans = MsgBox(""Don't forget to run the 'Update Lookup Tables'"" &
vbCr & ""procedure once all comments are updated"" & vbCr & ""Would
you like to open this now?"", vbYesNo, ""Information"")" & Chr(13) & _
"" & Chr(13) & _
"If Ans = vbYes Then" & Chr(13) & _
" Workbooks.Open Filename:= _" & Chr(13) & _
" ""Z:\TRADE FINANCE\Shared Area\Within Trade
& Chr(13) & _
"Else" & Chr(13) & _
" If Ans = vbNo Then" & Chr(13) & _
" Exit Sub" & Chr(13) & _
" End If" & Chr(13) & _
"End If" & Chr(13) & _
End With
End Sub
Any help/comments on this would be much appriciated.
Funny one this.
Using an amalgam of 2 codes I found on the ever helpful Chip Pearson's
I (finally) figured out how to write to the 'ThisWorkbook' module of a
VBA project.
All good so far...
Until, that is, when I save the workbook the code resides in and
re-open it said code has disappeared! If there is other code present
in the same standard module then only the code goes - if it resides in
a module on it's own, then the module disappears.
As I'm sure you can imagine this is a little annoying and I'm not
sufficiently gifted to hazard a guess as to what is going on as there
seems to be nothing about the code itself that would make this happen.
It has been a good learning experience though as I had to re-write it
twice before I saved it elsewhere and managed to knock it down by a
few lines each time.
Code follows.....
Sub Auto_Write_To_ThisWorkbook()
Dim StartLine As Long
Dim LineNum As Long
''Inserts BeforeClose event in ThisWorkbook module of the active
'With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("ThisWorkbook").CodeModule
' StartLine = .CreateEventProc("BeforeClose", "Workbook") + 1
'End With
'Inserts BeforeClose event in ThisWorkbook module of the active
'and adds the body of the text of the procedure to the event
With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("ThisWorkbook").CodeModule
StartLine = .CreateEventProc("BeforeClose", "Workbook") + 2
LineNum = 3
.InsertLines LineNum, _
"Ans = MsgBox(""Don't forget to run the 'Update Lookup Tables'"" &
vbCr & ""procedure once all comments are updated"" & vbCr & ""Would
you like to open this now?"", vbYesNo, ""Information"")" & Chr(13) & _
"" & Chr(13) & _
"If Ans = vbYes Then" & Chr(13) & _
" Workbooks.Open Filename:= _" & Chr(13) & _
" ""Z:\TRADE FINANCE\Shared Area\Within Trade
& Chr(13) & _
"Else" & Chr(13) & _
" If Ans = vbNo Then" & Chr(13) & _
" Exit Sub" & Chr(13) & _
" End If" & Chr(13) & _
"End If" & Chr(13) & _
End With
End Sub
Any help/comments on this would be much appriciated.