Excel VBA Code in Remote File


joseph micheli

I would like to set up VBA in Excel (including Access automation) in a
central location and have multiple user files run the code. Is this possible
and what would any limitations be?

RB Smissaert

multiple user files run the code

Did you mean: multiple users run the file?
That won't be a problem as long as the file doesn't have to be saved.

Or did you mean: multiple users running different files importing VBA code
from a central file (not necessarily a .xls or .xla file) and run that code?
That can be done as you can program to the VBE. If the users run a form
though it will need re-starting after the code import.


joseph micheli

It would be multiple users each calling the code from separate Excel files.
How would that specifcally be set up?

RB Smissaert

I think you have to explain more precisely what you mean with this:
calling the code


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