I have used Format|Conditional Formatting on a range of
cells to change the cell fill colour when the cell value
exceeds a limit
Now I need to find out which cells have had this
formatting applied to them
It seems that
.Cells(Row, column).Interior.Color
.Cells(Row, column).Interior.ColorIndex
.Cells(Row, column).Interior.PatternColor
.Cells(Row, column).Interior.PatternColorIndex
only apply to the cell when you actually change the
formatting of the cell
ie it is as if the conditional formatting is an overlay
I am trying to build a Summary macro which alerts the user
to sheets on which the limits have been exceeded
cells to change the cell fill colour when the cell value
exceeds a limit
Now I need to find out which cells have had this
formatting applied to them
It seems that
.Cells(Row, column).Interior.Color
.Cells(Row, column).Interior.ColorIndex
.Cells(Row, column).Interior.PatternColor
.Cells(Row, column).Interior.PatternColorIndex
only apply to the cell when you actually change the
formatting of the cell
ie it is as if the conditional formatting is an overlay
I am trying to build a Summary macro which alerts the user
to sheets on which the limits have been exceeded