I have 3 users and all are using the same EXCEL Sheet via IE (Same version).
But one of them getting error when excel is trying to find certain items in a
range and assing to a new range.
User 1: Opening an EXCEL Sheet in a separate window and he has no issue.
User 2: Opening same EXCEL Sheet in IE window and has no issue
User 3: Opening same EXCEL sheet in IE window and has an error 'Application
defined ...."
How User 3 can produce an error BUT User 1 can not produce this error.
- During execution User 1 and User 3 leave exiting EXCEL Window and move to
some N window.
- User 2 stick with original EXCEL window and wait for sheet to appear.
Why User 3 is getting error. Please note that:
- All 3 have same data in an EXCEL sheet.
- They are using the same SW/HW configuration
It's only USER 3 using EXCEL sheet differently. Is there any solution for
this error.
I have 3 users and all are using the same EXCEL Sheet via IE (Same version).
But one of them getting error when excel is trying to find certain items in a
range and assing to a new range.
User 1: Opening an EXCEL Sheet in a separate window and he has no issue.
User 2: Opening same EXCEL Sheet in IE window and has no issue
User 3: Opening same EXCEL sheet in IE window and has an error 'Application
defined ...."
How User 3 can produce an error BUT User 1 can not produce this error.
- During execution User 1 and User 3 leave exiting EXCEL Window and move to
some N window.
- User 2 stick with original EXCEL window and wait for sheet to appear.
Why User 3 is getting error. Please note that:
- All 3 have same data in an EXCEL sheet.
- They are using the same SW/HW configuration
It's only USER 3 using EXCEL sheet differently. Is there any solution for
this error.