Excel/VBA/Internet Explorer



To whomever can help me!

I have been trying to get data from a webpage for which I have to
select items in a dropbox and click a button. I have tried to do so
with the sendkeys command, but IE is not allowing me to control it that


I have been researching thoroughly and I got some ideas that might
work, but that I can't get to specifically load what I need.

This is the basics of what I have:

Set IExp = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

With IExp
.Visible = True
.navigate (url1)
Set ipf = IExp.document.all.Item("miforma")
End With

End Function

The item "miforma" loads for one of the buttons, and I want it to
select the one on top!

If anyone can help, a sample url is

Here you can see, in the source code, thet miforma is an item that
submits a form, but I cannot find the other one!

Many thanks!

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