I've noticed a few articles posted thus far comparing Mac to Windows in
terms of performance, but I must say, there is absolutely no
1. The speed. Running a macro is in Excel for Mac is significantly
slower. I don't have the quantifiable numbers that previous messages
have documented, but it is significant in all aspects, not just a few
commands here and there.
2. Stability. Being a frequent VBA programmer in Windows, I have been
dismayed as to how often VBA crashses on the Mac.
3. Missing Features. VBA on the Mac is not just inferior, it is
unequal. There are many differences between the two platforms in ways
that consistently favor Windows
3a. Pop up values while debugging. In windows, putting arrow over a
variable while debugging the code displays above the variable what it's
current value is.
3b. Watch Window. Missing in the Mac version
3c. Drag-sizable forms. The only way to change the size of forms on
the Mac is to change the Width, Height, Left, Top, etc. properties
3d. Auto complete when typing code. In Windows, when you are writing
the code, and you type the name of an object, the moment you hit the
period ".", a drop down list appears of all the available properties
and methods that are available for that object.
These are the first things that come to mind. If I really wanted to
make a treatse out of it, I'm sure I could come up with many more.
This comment is part just venting, because it distresses me to see a
case where Apple truly is inferior to Windows (I've been a long-time
Mac supporter!). But more importantly, two questions to Microsoft for
Mac representatives:
There must be an awareness of the inferiority of your product compared
to the Windows version. From what I have seen of Excel '04, these
issues weren't addressed (otherwise I would have bought it and I
wouldn't be writing this). Can you explain why these descrepancies
exist? Is there any plan to make your product up to par any time in
the future?
(I run a iMac 17" Flatscreen, 512 MB Ram, OS 10.4.1. MS Office X with
Service Release 1)
terms of performance, but I must say, there is absolutely no
1. The speed. Running a macro is in Excel for Mac is significantly
slower. I don't have the quantifiable numbers that previous messages
have documented, but it is significant in all aspects, not just a few
commands here and there.
2. Stability. Being a frequent VBA programmer in Windows, I have been
dismayed as to how often VBA crashses on the Mac.
3. Missing Features. VBA on the Mac is not just inferior, it is
unequal. There are many differences between the two platforms in ways
that consistently favor Windows
3a. Pop up values while debugging. In windows, putting arrow over a
variable while debugging the code displays above the variable what it's
current value is.
3b. Watch Window. Missing in the Mac version
3c. Drag-sizable forms. The only way to change the size of forms on
the Mac is to change the Width, Height, Left, Top, etc. properties
3d. Auto complete when typing code. In Windows, when you are writing
the code, and you type the name of an object, the moment you hit the
period ".", a drop down list appears of all the available properties
and methods that are available for that object.
These are the first things that come to mind. If I really wanted to
make a treatse out of it, I'm sure I could come up with many more.
This comment is part just venting, because it distresses me to see a
case where Apple truly is inferior to Windows (I've been a long-time
Mac supporter!). But more importantly, two questions to Microsoft for
Mac representatives:
There must be an awareness of the inferiority of your product compared
to the Windows version. From what I have seen of Excel '04, these
issues weren't addressed (otherwise I would have bought it and I
wouldn't be writing this). Can you explain why these descrepancies
exist? Is there any plan to make your product up to par any time in
the future?
(I run a iMac 17" Flatscreen, 512 MB Ram, OS 10.4.1. MS Office X with
Service Release 1)