This is my first Excel VBA to publish in the forum and happy to join
the Excel VBA family.
Excel vlookup function is very useful in many applications.
I develop a VBA to make Vlookup run faster if you havew many rows to
, please try the code.
I appreciate your comment.
Option Explicit
Dim finalrow As Integer
Dim Mysheet As String
Dim mycolumn As Long
Dim Myrange As String
Dim mycount As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim mylookup As Variant
Dim mystring As String
Dim myvalue As Long
Sub Vlookup()
mycolumn = Application.InputBox("Please enter the lookup column
number", Type:=1)
myvalue = Application.InputBox("Please enter the column number you want
to place your lookup up result ", Type:=1)
Mysheet = InputBox("Please enter lookup worksheet name",
"WorksheetName", Default)
Myrange = InputBox("Please enter lookup range", "Range", Default)
mycount = Range(Myrange).Columns.Count
On Error Resume Next
Columns(myvalue).Insert Shift:=xlToRight
finalrow = Cells(65536, mycolumn).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To finalrow
mystring = (Cells(i, mycolumn))
mylookup = Application.Vlookup((mystring),
Worksheets(Mysheet).Range(Myrange), mycount, False)
Cells(i, myvalue).Value = mylookup
Next i
End Sub
This is my first Excel VBA to publish in the forum and happy to join
the Excel VBA family.
Excel vlookup function is very useful in many applications.
I develop a VBA to make Vlookup run faster if you havew many rows to
, please try the code.
I appreciate your comment.
Option Explicit
Dim finalrow As Integer
Dim Mysheet As String
Dim mycolumn As Long
Dim Myrange As String
Dim mycount As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim mylookup As Variant
Dim mystring As String
Dim myvalue As Long
Sub Vlookup()
mycolumn = Application.InputBox("Please enter the lookup column
number", Type:=1)
myvalue = Application.InputBox("Please enter the column number you want
to place your lookup up result ", Type:=1)
Mysheet = InputBox("Please enter lookup worksheet name",
"WorksheetName", Default)
Myrange = InputBox("Please enter lookup range", "Range", Default)
mycount = Range(Myrange).Columns.Count
On Error Resume Next
Columns(myvalue).Insert Shift:=xlToRight
finalrow = Cells(65536, mycolumn).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To finalrow
mystring = (Cells(i, mycolumn))
mylookup = Application.Vlookup((mystring),
Worksheets(Mysheet).Range(Myrange), mycount, False)
Cells(i, myvalue).Value = mylookup
Next i
End Sub