Excel VBA Vlookup




This is my first Excel VBA to publish in the forum and happy to join
the Excel VBA family.

Excel vlookup function is very useful in many applications.

I develop a VBA to make Vlookup run faster if you havew many rows to
, please try the code.

I appreciate your comment.

Option Explicit

Dim finalrow As Integer
Dim Mysheet As String
Dim mycolumn As Long
Dim Myrange As String
Dim mycount As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim mylookup As Variant
Dim mystring As String
Dim myvalue As Long

Sub Vlookup()

mycolumn = Application.InputBox("Please enter the lookup column
number", Type:=1)
myvalue = Application.InputBox("Please enter the column number you want

to place your lookup up result ", Type:=1)
Mysheet = InputBox("Please enter lookup worksheet name",
"WorksheetName", Default)
Myrange = InputBox("Please enter lookup range", "Range", Default)

mycount = Range(Myrange).Columns.Count

On Error Resume Next

Columns(myvalue).Insert Shift:=xlToRight

finalrow = Cells(65536, mycolumn).End(xlUp).Row

For i = 1 To finalrow

mystring = (Cells(i, mycolumn))

mylookup = Application.Vlookup((mystring),
Worksheets(Mysheet).Range(Myrange), mycount, False)

Cells(i, myvalue).Value = mylookup

Next i

End Sub

Bernie Deitrick

There's a few things that you can do to improve your code: use ranges for your input boxes, and
don't loop through the cells - do them all at once using formulas. And never name a macro with a
used function name - that's bad practice.

See the code below for a very flexible VLOOKUP formula creation routine - the lookup values,
results, and data table can be on any sheet in the workbook, anywhere. And it can leave the formula
as a formula....

MS Excel MVP

Option Explicit

Dim FirstRow As Long
Dim FinalRow As Long
Dim myValues As Range
Dim myRange As Range
Dim myResults As Range
Dim myCount As Integer

Sub VlookupMacro()

Set myValues = Application.InputBox("Please select the first cell in" & _
" the column with the values that you're looking for", Type:=8)
Set myResults = Application.InputBox("Please select the first cell " & _
" where you want your lookup results to start ", Type:=8)
Set myRange = Application.InputBox("Please select the entire lookup data table range" & _
" - with the desired values as the last column", Type:=8)

myCount = myRange.Columns.Count

On Error Resume Next
myResults.EntireColumn.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
Set myResults = myResults.Offset(, -1)
FirstRow = myValues.Row
FinalRow = Cells(65536, myValues.Column).End(xlUp).Row

Range(myResults, myResults.Offset(FinalRow - FirstRow)).Formula = _
"=VLOOKUP(" & Cells(FirstRow, myValues.Column).Address(False, False, , True) & ", " & _
myRange.Address(True, True, , True) & "," & myCount & ", False)"

If MsgBox("Do you want to convert to values?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub

Columns(myResults.Column).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub

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