Excel VBA



I am trying to create a command button so that when a user clicks on the
command button a message box pops up with the the answer to 2 cells added

Gord Dibben

Added as in Summed like =A1+B1

Or added like =A1 & B1

Go with the first one.

Create a Command Button with this code

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:B1")
MsgBox "sum of A1 and B1 is " & Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(rng)
End Sub

No error trapping.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Dave O

The code looks like this:

sub Sum_of_two_cells()
msgbox range("a1").value + range("b1").value
end sub

You can use the Control Toolbox on the Visual Basic toolbar to assign
the macro to a button; I prefer to click (on the Excel menu) >View
Toolbars >Forms and use the command button from that toolbar.

Good luck with it!
Dave O
Eschew obfuscation

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