Which Excel versions are compatible with Mappoint 2009?
B Bob I Aug 5, 2008 #2 Might want to ask the Mappoint folks. But even Excel 2007 files are supported. http://www.microsoft.com/communitie...&pt=&catlist=&dglist=&ptlist=&exp=&sloc=en-us
Might want to ask the Mappoint folks. But even Excel 2007 files are supported. http://www.microsoft.com/communitie...&pt=&catlist=&dglist=&ptlist=&exp=&sloc=en-us
M Marvin Hlavac Aug 6, 2008 #3 Which Excel versions are compatible with Mappoint 2009? The following may at least partially answer your question: http://www.laptopgpsworld.com/wish-list/678-add-xlsx-import-data-wizard-microsoft-streets-trips.html (Microsoft Streets & Trips is a subset of Microsoft MapPoint) --- Marvin Hlavac Laptop GPS World http://www.laptopgpsworld.com/ ..
Which Excel versions are compatible with Mappoint 2009? The following may at least partially answer your question: http://www.laptopgpsworld.com/wish-list/678-add-xlsx-import-data-wizard-microsoft-streets-trips.html (Microsoft Streets & Trips is a subset of Microsoft MapPoint) --- Marvin Hlavac Laptop GPS World http://www.laptopgpsworld.com/ ..