Excel w/ VBA using web query won't run on a new laptop



I had a Gateway 450spx 1.6 GHz P4, 512MB Ram, XP Pro SP@ w/ Office Pr
2002 that I used to run a VBA heavy spreadsheet (pulled data fro
website using Web Query) and did some manipulation of the data. Th
spreadsheet cycled through 3,000 iterations so it took about 45minute
to run using my cable modem connection. No problems, just slow.

also ran the same spreadsheet on Compaq 1.8 GHz P4, 1GB Ram, XP Pro SP
w/ Office Pro 2002 and it worked well there too. Faster internet an
faster calculations (~30 mins)

I upgraded to a Dell Inspiron 1501 AMD 1.8 GHz Turion L-56 processor
1GB RAM, XP Media Center 2005, Office 2003, the file would take longe
to open by 30 seconds at least, then it took literally 1-2 seconds fo
the cursor to jump from one cell to the next, or it would just get "No
Responding" error. And running the VBA code was into the hours! Trie
this on a different Dell with more memory and higher processor speed
but also wouldn't work.

Does anyone know why the Dell's won't run these excel files? Ne
installs of MS office doesn't seem to work, Iv'e tried two differen
versions of Office (2002 and 2003) on the Dells and to avail. I thin
it has something to with how the Web Query is being handled but have n
idea why that may be.

any advice is greatly appreciated

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