I'm currently researching the possibility of having Excel interact with
an internet betting exchange.
I'm quite willing to commission a professional [or amateur for that
matter] and ready to pay for it.
I currently grab data from the trading screens of
http://global.betfair.com with a macro program. I then paste into excel
where my ratings are analysed agaianst current prices, I then make bets
according to what my spreadsheet says.
I know people are actually betting with fully automated bots, so I know
it is possible to bypass their html webpage and bet 'direct' to their
servers with custom software. As you can imagine these people aren't
willing to give away secrets that gain them a critical edge. Any help or
advice would be greatly appreciated.
This is what I am hoping is possible to get excel to do.......
Goto a specific 'event' at betfairs website and copy the current prices,
then paste into specific cells in excel. I need this to happen every
second or so.
My spreadsheet is set up to mimic the look of the webpage betting event,
so I require excel to display next to a horses name the current stake
and a 'BET' button, when I hit the bet button I need excel to go to the
site via my account and place the said bet.
When this mini transaction is complete it starts all over again with the
data grab and paste, calculation and displaying of any bets and finally
going and betting.
This may seem a bit silly to want to automate something I can do
manually in 8 or 9 seconds, but if I can get this done through excel in
1 or 2 seconds then this will give me a huge edge in getting the prices
that are actually displayed, and not the price 7 or 8 seconds later when
I finally get to click the 'bet' button myself.
If anyone can help me here I don't mind paying my way. You may reply
privately to (e-mail address removed) or reply here if need be.
But thanks in advance to anyone who takes time to reply.
I'm currently researching the possibility of having Excel interact with
an internet betting exchange.
I'm quite willing to commission a professional [or amateur for that
matter] and ready to pay for it.
I currently grab data from the trading screens of
http://global.betfair.com with a macro program. I then paste into excel
where my ratings are analysed agaianst current prices, I then make bets
according to what my spreadsheet says.
I know people are actually betting with fully automated bots, so I know
it is possible to bypass their html webpage and bet 'direct' to their
servers with custom software. As you can imagine these people aren't
willing to give away secrets that gain them a critical edge. Any help or
advice would be greatly appreciated.
This is what I am hoping is possible to get excel to do.......
Goto a specific 'event' at betfairs website and copy the current prices,
then paste into specific cells in excel. I need this to happen every
second or so.
My spreadsheet is set up to mimic the look of the webpage betting event,
so I require excel to display next to a horses name the current stake
and a 'BET' button, when I hit the bet button I need excel to go to the
site via my account and place the said bet.
When this mini transaction is complete it starts all over again with the
data grab and paste, calculation and displaying of any bets and finally
going and betting.
This may seem a bit silly to want to automate something I can do
manually in 8 or 9 seconds, but if I can get this done through excel in
1 or 2 seconds then this will give me a huge edge in getting the prices
that are actually displayed, and not the price 7 or 8 seconds later when
I finally get to click the 'bet' button myself.
If anyone can help me here I don't mind paying my way. You may reply
privately to (e-mail address removed) or reply here if need be.
But thanks in advance to anyone who takes time to reply.