Excel will not open, encountered problem and needs to close



Excel will not open banner pops up then an error message
pops up saying microsoft Excel for windows has
encountered a problem ans needs to close.
How can I fix this?


I have a similar problem, with a slightly different error message...This program has performed and illegal operation and will be shut down. If the problem persists, contact the program vendor

EXCEL caused an invalid page fault i
module EXCEL.EXE at 0177:30026e31
EAX=0062e98c CS=0177 EIP=30026e31 EFLGS=0001024
EBX=00000000 SS=017f ESP=0062e918 EBP=0062e98
ECX=00000000 DS=017f ESI=00000000 FS=120
EDX=00000000 ES=017f EDI=006b4fb4 GS=125
Bytes at CS:EIP
8b 31 e8 0e 00 00 00 50 ff 35 98 b2 68 30 ff 56
Stack dump
00000012 00000000 00000000 0062e98c 00000000 30026e08 00000012 0062e98c 00000000 30026d76 00000012 0062e98c 006b5520 0001d570 00000028 0000019


I have scoured the solutions for the same problem and have
found referring to Jan Karel Pieterse solution to many
Excel won't start problems to work by
Do a find File called excel.xlb which is the toolbar file
and rename it to excel.old then try starting Excel as
normal .
Mine started perfectly by regenerating a new excel.xlb
Thank You Jan Karel Pieterse

-----Original Message-----
I have a similar problem, with a slightly different error
message...This program has performed and illegal operation
and will be shut down. If the problem persists, contact
the program vendor.
EXCEL caused an invalid page fault in
module EXCEL.EXE at 0177:30026e31.
EAX=0062e98c CS=0177 EIP=30026e31 EFLGS=00010246
EBX=00000000 SS=017f ESP=0062e918 EBP=0062e984
ECX=00000000 DS=017f ESI=00000000 FS=120f
EDX=00000000 ES=017f EDI=006b4fb4 GS=1256
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8b 31 e8 0e 00 00 00 50 ff 35 98 b2 68 30 ff 56
Stack dump:
00000012 00000000 00000000 0062e98c 00000000 30026e08
00000012 0062e98c 00000000 30026d76 00000012 0062e98c
006b5520 0001d570 00000028 0000019c

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