Excel won't start (Office 2k and Vista)



I have installed Office 2000 onto my Vista machine. This morning
everything was working fine. Now, however, when I try to start Excel I
get the Excel splash screen and the a Vista error saying 'Microsoft
Excel for Windows has stopped working. A problem caused the problem to
stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you
if a solution is available.' The other programs in Office work OK. Is
there a 'safe' mode for starting Excel that might help me work out
what the problem is? I've uninstalled and reinstalled - but it's made
no difference.

Bob I

If holding down the CTRL key when starting Excel doesn't work, use Start
Run, Excel.exe /safe


Hi Andy,

Try reregistering excel.
Close Excel and
Windows Start Button|Run – “excel /unregserver “
then Windows Start Button|Run – “excel /regserver “
The /unregserver & /regserver stuff resets some of the windows registry to
excel's factory defaults.

click yes below, if it helps


Hi Bob

Thanks for your reply. The CTRL option didn't work but the /safe
option did. It opened - hoorah! I ran Detect and Repair but it still
won't open without the safe switch. Do you have any other suggestions?


Bob I

Sorry, I haven't any experience with Office on Vista. Only Office on XP
and before. I do know that Office 2000 wasn't tested for compatibility

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