Excel won't stop highlighting


Stauffer Guy

For some unknown reason, Excel will suddenly stop me from doing whatever I am
doing and will start highlighting cells around some cell. wherever I move my
mouse, the cells get highlighted. Moving the Mouse back will unhighlight
them, but won't let me get to a point where I can actually enter data or do
anything else. This has to be something simple, but I don't know what it is.
Any help would be appreciated.

Paul B

Stauffer Guy, try pressing the F8 key

Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
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Using Excel 2002 & 2003


If hitting the <F8> key *doesn't* solve your problem, you're experiencing an
anomaly that's been around for several years.

One action that sometimes corrects it is *depressing* the scroll wheel on
your mouse several times.

Check out this link:


At least you will now realize that you're not the only one experiencing this

Stauffer Guy

Thanks for the response. I unfortunately had to reboot before I got the
response so it will have to wait until next time to see if that clears it up.
Looking at what the F8 function does, my problem seems somewhat analogous
except that, in my case, Excel acts more like it would if you clicked on a
cell then held the left mouse button down while you move the mouse around.
In my frustration, I banged on every key on the keyboard and never got it to
clear up. I'm sure I would have hit the F8 in my rampage, but possibly not.
I'll try it next time. Thanks for the idea!

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