Excel - word mailmerge dates wrong...




I have recently notice an annoying fault or feature :)

When I do a merge from Excel to Word, the date seems to be have been
changed to mmddyy and not the ddmmyy I want.

I'm using Word and Excel 2003
PC is set to Uk with the date format correct
Excel date column is formatted to show ddmmyy
Word language is set to UK


The article nearly got me there...

The code looks like this now {mergefield "DoB" \@ "dd/mm/yy"} but the
month shows as 00 in the Word doc, day and Year is correct (25/00/73)

any pointers?


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

See the "Dates: day/month reversed" item under the "Connection methods"
topic of the "Mail merge in Word 2002" section of fellow MVP Cindy
Meister's website at:


Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

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