excel worksheet hanging


Mike M

I have an issue with one excel doc that when I open,
seems to hang in the middle without being able to
maximize the whole way.

It is very like click on the two-box button on the top
right of an excel doc, but in this case, there is no way
to change it back. As a result, I can't see the various
tabs at the bottom. I can go up & down, and bwteen the
pages via CTRL-PAGEUP and CTRL-PAGEDOWN, but the standard
screen options arenot showing up.

Any clues?


Dave Peterson

A workbook can be protected in a manner that freezes what's displayed on the

Tools|protection|protect workbook
and checking the Windows option.

You won't be able to resize windows--or move your tabs around.

You may want to check to see if your workbook is protected. (You may need a
password, though, to unprotect it.)

But even easier, maybe that title bar is just off the visible window.

Window|Arrange|tiled and resize by hand.

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