excel worksheet


Bob Phillips


Yes it is, just put an Alt-Enter between them.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Ken Wright

Bob has given you the answer, but if the data is numeric then it would be bad practice to do so,
as you lose the ability to work with it properly. If it is text then no problem.


You had written:
-----Original Message-----
is it possible to write more than one line in each cell of
the worksheet

Yes, it is. Here's how: for each line that you want to be
beneath the next text line in one cell, hit "CTRL"
and "ENTER" att he same time, instead of just
hitting "Enter." For example,

222 Excel Street <CTRL+ENTER>
Yorkmass, IL 22308 <CTRL+ENTER>

....and then tab (for the next cell in your row) or enter
(for the next line of cells) to continue.

Does this help?

Have a super day :)
-- k

Peo Sjoblom

Karen said:
You had written:

Yes, it is. Here's how: for each line that you want to be
beneath the next text line in one cell, hit "CTRL"
and "ENTER" att he same time, instead of just
hitting "Enter." For example,

222 Excel Street <CTRL+ENTER>
Yorkmass, IL 22308 <CTRL+ENTER>

Alt + Enter


Peo Sjoblom

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