Excel X for Mac on Intel Mac



Running Excel X for Mac on an Intel machine (MacBook Pro Core2Duo),
Excel quits when I attempt to use the Insert>Name>Define command. In a
new document, I might be open the Insert>Name>Define dialog 2 or 3
times. After that, Excel always quits. Therefore, I am unable to
delete or modify named cells or ranges. I have removed Excel (using
"Remove Excel") and reinstalled Excel. I have trashed preferences in
various combinations. I have started up the computer with Shift key
down. I have opened Excel with Shift key down. Nothing helps. This
problem does not occur on a G4 PowerMac running the same version of
the operating system (Mac 10.4.10). Can anyone help me?

Edwin Tam

I cannot reproduce the problem.
I tested with a MacBook Pro Core2Duo also, running MacOS 10.4.10.
My Excel X version is 10.1.9.

Have you installed the latest Office X update from Microsoft web site?

Edwin Tam

On 15/10/2007 12:05 AM, in article
(e-mail address removed),

Running Excel X for Mac on an Intel machine (MacBook Pro Core2Duo),
Excel quits when I attempt to use the Insert>Name>Define command. In a
new document, I might be open the Insert>Name>Define dialog 2 or 3
times. After that, Excel always quits. Therefore, I am unable to
delete or modify named cells or ranges. I have removed Excel (using
"Remove Excel") and reinstalled Excel. I have trashed preferences in
various combinations. I have started up the computer with Shift key
down. I have opened Excel with Shift key down. Nothing helps. This
problem does not occur on a G4 PowerMac running the same version of
the operating system (Mac 10.4.10). Can anyone help me?


Yes, I applied the update. The problem occured before and after the
10.1.9 update. I had thought it was because of an old, complex
spreadsheet I had been using every day. But testing revealed it
happens with brand new spreadsheets with just a few entries and it
happens with the Excel templates that came with the application. Three
or so attempts to define a name, and that's all I get. Crashes every
time thereafter.

I haven't noticed symptoms of problems with my OS in any other
application lately and do periodic maintenance (Disk Utility, Disk
Warrior). But is there anything left to try other than wiping the disk
and reinstalling OS X?


JE McGimpsey

I haven't noticed symptoms of problems with my OS in any other
application lately and do periodic maintenance (Disk Utility, Disk
Warrior). But is there anything left to try other than wiping the disk
and reinstalling OS X?

Do you have a default workbook set? It's possible that it's been

A Personal Macro Workbook in the startup folder?

Any add-ins running?

Are the named ranges you *can* add static or dynamic?


Do you have a default workbook set? It's possible that it's been

Never created a default workbood set. Am now using a new, minimal
install (as far as the installation will let me).
A Personal Macro Workbook in the startup folder?

Not sure what you mean by startup folder -- OS startup (login)? Excel
startup? In any case, I haven't created or knowingly populated such a
Any add-ins running?

No Excel add-ins running.
Are the named ranges you *can* add static or dynamic?

Problem is the same whether I add static or dynamic names. The menu
command opens and behaves normally for two or three times. I can do
anything I want -- add, remove, etc. -- while dialog is open. But
after the magic number (which varies a bit, but usally three), Excel
hangs a moment, then quits. As I said, this happens with a new
installation and on brand new worksheets or one of the Excel ready-
made templates.


JE McGimpsey

Problem is the same whether I add static or dynamic names. The menu
command opens and behaves normally for two or three times. I can do
anything I want -- add, remove, etc. -- while dialog is open. But
after the magic number (which varies a bit, but usally three), Excel
hangs a moment, then quits. As I said, this happens with a new
installation and on brand new worksheets or one of the Excel ready-
made templates.

Since you're not running any macros, and you've deleted your
preferences, I'm out of ideas. Usually things that cause crashes cause
them the first time, not the third.

Frankly, I'm left with guessing it's something like a haxie, or perhaps
a virus scanner causing problems, but I don't know which ones or how.


Since you're not running any macros, and you've deleted your
preferences, I'm out of ideas. Usually things that cause crashes cause
them the first time, not the third.

Frankly, I'm left with guessing it's something like a haxie, or perhaps
a virus scanner causing problems, but I don't know which ones or how.

I think you are right. I did a new install of Tiger on a spare
partition, then drag installed Excel X. Tested spreadsheets for a
while. Then installed all Mac OS updates. Tested more spreadsheets.
Finally the last Excel X update, and more testing. No problems opening
the Name>Define, creating, deleting names, whatever. Looks like I'm
due for a major OS cleanup or reinstall on my main volume.

Thanks to those of you who replied and offered your suggestions. They
all helped me.



The first thing to try is Disk Utility - Repair Disk (or comparable 3rd
party such as Disk Warrior, TechTool Pro or Drive Genius if you have one of

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