Excel X Matrix Multiply Bug


Dr Rocket

Excel X under Office 10.1.5 with Mac OS 10.2.8 returns #VALUE in every
cell when performing the matrix multiply (=MMULT(_,_)) function on
matrices of dimension 64 x 64 or 65 x 65. I repeatedly checked the
dimenstions. Then I tested a matrix multiply of a matrix by its
transpose, guaranteeing the dimensions, and the bug persists.

The functon is OK on the products of two (63 x 63) or two (128 x 128)
matrices, the only other square matrix operations I've tested for this
bug. It is OK multilying a (1 x 64) vector by a (64 x 64) matrix, or
when multiplying a (64 x 64) by TRANSPOSE ((1 x 64)).

Excel 5.0a under Mac OS 8.2 operates OK in all these cases.

I uninstalled Office, reinstalled it, and updated again to 10.1.5, and
nothing changed. Can anyone else verify this bug?

Jeff Glassman

Jim Gordon MVP

Hello Dr. R,

If you are willing to part with an example workbook I would be happy to give
it a try. If I can reproduce the problem I will send the example to the
Excel folks at Microsoft for their analysis in the hope that the problem can
be corrected.

Hopefully you will be able to figure out my real email address. Think in
terms of "hot" even of the weather is not.

-Jim Gordon

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