Dr Rocket
Excel X under Office 10.1.5 with Mac OS 10.2.8 returns #VALUE in every
cell when performing the matrix multiply (=MMULT(_,_)) function on
matrices of dimension 64 x 64 or 65 x 65. I repeatedly checked the
dimenstions. Then I tested a matrix multiply of a matrix by its
transpose, guaranteeing the dimensions, and the bug persists.
The functon is OK on the products of two (63 x 63) or two (128 x 128)
matrices, the only other square matrix operations I've tested for this
bug. It is OK multilying a (1 x 64) vector by a (64 x 64) matrix, or
when multiplying a (64 x 64) by TRANSPOSE ((1 x 64)).
Excel 5.0a under Mac OS 8.2 operates OK in all these cases.
I uninstalled Office, reinstalled it, and updated again to 10.1.5, and
nothing changed. Can anyone else verify this bug?
Jeff Glassman
cell when performing the matrix multiply (=MMULT(_,_)) function on
matrices of dimension 64 x 64 or 65 x 65. I repeatedly checked the
dimenstions. Then I tested a matrix multiply of a matrix by its
transpose, guaranteeing the dimensions, and the bug persists.
The functon is OK on the products of two (63 x 63) or two (128 x 128)
matrices, the only other square matrix operations I've tested for this
bug. It is OK multilying a (1 x 64) vector by a (64 x 64) matrix, or
when multiplying a (64 x 64) by TRANSPOSE ((1 x 64)).
Excel 5.0a under Mac OS 8.2 operates OK in all these cases.
I uninstalled Office, reinstalled it, and updated again to 10.1.5, and
nothing changed. Can anyone else verify this bug?
Jeff Glassman