EXCEL xls. won't SAVE no help from 'solver' etc.



Good gravy: another MS product self-destructs: this time Excel. Usually
'Outlook' has the honors?

(Did you ever ask yourself, "How stupid was the website designer that put
the sign-in button way over to the right, in 8 pt font, where you have to
cursor to move the screen so it can be accessed, rather placement right next
to " MS Office Online" title? Typically very thoughtless location by geekdom
personel? I suggest they go to white font on white background and make the
site completely unusable?)

I have a work book (xls.) full of macros designed to generate kanban cards
for Materials Management here at Steelcase manufacturing. I open, use, edit,
print, save and close 12 - 15 times a week.

About every third time using, I can add several lines of new part numbers
and pertinent related loc, qty, container, info etc, and then when I'm
finished, click 'disk symbol' to save, and it won't save. Click file, save
and won't save.
"Save as" und won't save. Click on info or solver, e help, and no
information is available. If I can get Evil program to close, I have to
re-add new info all over again nx time.

Specific questions to help/solver yield no discrete answers?

I am not running another programs. I get 4 diff error messages of why this
'save' action is untenable. 'File is not saved' is one of the more brilliant
ones, but to include, file may be 'read only' (it is not, no one else has
access), etc.

(With a hard copy published instruction manual length of 900+ pages, you
would asume that this help topic would have a ready answer, but no, you would
be wrong for the ten thousandth time about expectations of C/S from MS
products? MS has no concept of customer service, poor manopolistic dolts,
haven't a clue how to relate to a human user?)

Dave Peterson

So you get 4 different errors and you don't share all of them?

Do you save to a network drive or to your local drive?

Do you see a funny named file (8 characters, no extension) in that same folder
after the failed save?

You may want to post some more details to help anybody reading your message.

Some background...

When excel saves the file, it saves it as a temporary file with a funny name (8
characters--no extension) in the same folder.

If the save is successful, xl will delete the original (or rename it to its
backup name (like "backup of book1.xlk)) and if that's successful, xl will
rename the funny named file to the original's name.

If you're seeing that funny named file, then something is going wrong.

Common things that get blamed for interruptions to this process are antivirus
software poking its head in or network errors--either permissions or physical


Saved to local drive.
Sorry, can't remember the un-human dialog in all the error messages, but I believe another had to do with, "document not saved. Microsoft error, document to be closed" and the other might have been close to "Document saved sucessfully. Due to low memory, document will be closed shortly"

Mind that these 4 messages appear consequtively after successive attempts to
'save' using different methods, and effectively contradict themselves.
No funny file name appears either here in folder or in MS Tabithialand.
Of course something is going wrong, this is a MS product.

Grazie anywho. - I will be sure to hand write all new and edited info as I
go, on paper, so I have a resource to replace info next time Excel works.

Dave Peterson

And this only happens on this single workbook/file?

If yes, then maybe the workbook is corrupted.

I think I'd start by rebuilding the workbook.

You may want to try OpenOffice.org and try opening, then saving (as a new
name). It's been known to save some (not always all) data, formatting, and

http://www.openoffice.org, a 60-65 meg download or a CD

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