Excel XP: Showing Trace Precedents Arrows for Multiple Cells...



....Is there a quick way to display more than one set of Trace Precedents
arrows in a single worksheet? I can show the precedents one at a time and
turn them off with one command, but I'd like to display selected sets
(without having to repeat the action multiple times) before I email the file
to another user. Is creating a macro the only way?

Thanks in advance


This is in Excel 2003 Help, but I've never been able to figure out
exaaaaactly what it is trying to describe:

<<To see all the relationships on a worksheet, in an empty cell type =
(equal sign), and then click the Select All button. Select the cell, and
press Trace Precedents twice.>>

.... "Select the cell" - *Which* cell? And no matter which cell I select the
Auditing Toolbar buttons are disabled.

Good Luck |:>)


Thanks for responding. No, I couldn't make it work either :(

One work round I thought of was to create a named range for the cells
affected, and then click the Show Precedents button however many times you
need to show arrows for...



Sorry, for for the late answer but I just saw your post yesterday, when this
problem came up to me too.:)
The solution is easy in Excel 2003:
Select any empty cell
Type "="
Click on the upleft corner of your worksheet to select all the cells.
Usually next to "=" will be written 1:65536
Then press ENTER.
Excel will complain ciclular reference.
Click on OK.
Select the cell were is written the above.
Double click on the button "Trace Precedents"
Ups!!! Here are all the arrows!!


Yes - it works! Thank you very much for the tip & help. This will be very


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