If you want to keep the structure use this example in the cel
*=DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),7,2)* and then right click the cell Forma
Cells>Custom double click the word "General" in the box and paste thi
in *mmmm dd yyyy dddd
To explain:*=DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),7,2)
the* DATE *function allows your to specify the components of the date
the *YEAR* function allows you to split a year out from a date, if w
use the TODAY function it will mean the year will always be the curren
year, the rest is self explanatary 7 = july...et
*mmmm dd yyyy dddd
when formatting dates we can tell Excel how much or what depth eac
part of the date should be shwon as so, dd mm yy would display 01 0
2009 (assuming its january 1st) using dd mmm yy would display 01 Ja
09....you get the idea
Simon Lloy
Simon Lloyd
'The Code Cage' (