

Myrna K

I am trying to complete a formula where I have two text
words in one cell... the first part of the formula takes
the first letter of first word (which I have this done),
but I also need to combine that first letter with the
second word (ex: now is... nis). Any help would be
greatly appreciated.


Myrna said:
I am trying to complete a formula where I have two text
words in one cell... the first part of the formula takes
the first letter of first word (which I have this done),
but I also need to combine that first letter with the
second word (ex: now is... nis). Any help would be
greatly appreciated.

If "now is" is in A1, this will return "nis":

=LEFT(A1,1)&MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1,256)

dvt at psu dot edu

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