Excel2000 on W2K an Win95




we share a .xls file between a computer with Windows 2000 and a computer
winth Windows 95. (We never access that file at the same time)

Can you tell me why each computer see the wrong date after the other one
entered it ? (The dates are totally messed up btw)


J.E. McGimpsey

What does "totally messed up" mean?

If the dates are off by 4 years and 1 day, that indicates that one
of the two machines is starting up with a file in which the date
system is set to 1904 (Tools/Options/Calculation) and the other is
using the WinXL default 1900 date system. The date system used is
determined by the first workbook opened in the session.

If there's no systematic difference, I have no idea.

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