Excel2000 Upgrades



I know that this is not the right forum for Excel upgrade issues, bu
maybe one of you might have a thought or two.

I am running Office2000 under Windows XP. When Office2000 (SR1) wa
loaded a few months ago, it ran fine. I then made the mistake o
downloading Office200 upgrades including ones for Excel and Word.
Since then, I have had endless problems with requests for Help in an
MS application. Any Help request acts like it is the first Hel
request since the appl was installed and takes the 20 to 40 seconds t
load stuff. Even the 2nd or 3rd help request in a single session act
the same. Office2000 was installed so that everything was dis
resident. I have deinstalled and reinstalled Excel twice but no chang
to the problems.

I have put out pleas for help in many areas but have found out little.
One MS MVP said that there have been similar problems, but he wa
unable to provide much additional help.

Any ideas?


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