Excel2000 VBA: First workday of month


Arvi Laanemets


What is the best way to calculate 1st workday of any month (holidays must be
counted too)?

At moment I have a solution, where a list of dates for some amount of years
is created, with additional column where all dates are labeled as "workday",
"weekend", or "holiday". The code is looking for 1st workday in this list,
starting from 1st of month.

Probably a slightly better solution will be, where the list contains only
holidays. The code will be look for 1st date to be not weekend and not
present in holidays list in given month.

On worksheet, I can easily calculate the 1st workday of month using WORKDAY
function {=WORKDAY(DATE(Year, Month, 0),1,Holydays)}. But it seems, that I
can't use functions from Analysis Toolpack in VBA! Am I right about this, or
is there a way?

Arvi Laanemets

faisal QADEER

try using the eomonth function then +1
also you may need to nest in a vlookup if statement to check whether that
date returned is holiday (from the list of holiday dates).

Tom Ogilvy

dte = DateSerial(Year(Date),Month(Date)-1,0)
v = Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.xla!Workdate" dte,1,Range("HolyDays")

if ATPVBAEN is loaded in tools addins. (analysis toolpak for VBA)

Arvi Laanemets


Tom Ogilvy said:
dte = DateSerial(Year(Date),Month(Date)-1,0)
v = Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.xla!Workdate" dte,1,Range("HolyDays")

if ATPVBAEN is loaded in tools addins. (analysis toolpak for VBA)

It must be! I think I'll include a check routine for this into procedure.
And here my second question. I can check for Analysis Toolpack being
installed through
Application.AddIns(i).Name = "ANALYS32.XLL" And
Application.AddIns(i).Installed = True

where all AddInns are checked until Analysis Toolpack is found (or not
found). I didn't find any way to check for Analysis Toolpack directly.
Exists there such a way at all?

Arvi Laanemets

Tom Ogilvy

I left out a comma - all arguments to the ATP function, event the first, are
set off by commas since they are all arguments to Application.Run

dte = DateSerial(Year(Date),Month(Date)-1,0)
v = Application.Run "ATPVBAEN.xla!Workdate",dte,1,Range("HolyDays")

Tom Ogilvy

OK, just noticed I misspelled Workday [ bad day :-( ]. Here is a tested
version to demonstrate - demonstrated in the immediate window:

dte = DateSerial(Year(Date),Month(Date)-1,0)
v = Application.Run( "ATPVBAEN.xla!Workday", dte, 1, Range("HolyDays"))
[GetMacroRegId] 'WORKDAY' <
[GetMacroRegId] 'WORKDAY' -> '2142634039' >
? format(v,"mmm dd,yyyy")
May 02,2005

the lines with [GetMacroRegId] are produced by the ATPVBAEN and are just

Arvi Laanemets

Hi Tom

I tried your solution now, and after some modifying it worked as needed. My
code (it reads indefinite number of column headers from row 1 starting from
F1 in a single-sheet source workbook - text strings in format "yyyy-mm" -
and saves them into an array as datestrings of 1st workday of according
month) is now:
Dim arrMonths() As Variant
varSource = [SourceWorkbook]
rngHolidays = [Holidays]
ColNum = Workbooks(varSource).Sheets(1).UsedRange.Columns.Count
ReDim arrMonths(1 To ColNum-5) As Variant
j = 0
For i = 6 To ColNum
j = j + 1
xMonth = Workbooks(varSource).Sheets(1).Range("A1").Offset(0,
i - 1)
dte = DateSerial(Mid(xMonth, 1, 4), Mid(xMonth, 6, 2), 0)
xDate = Application.Run("ATPVBAEN.xla!Workday", dte, 1,
arrMonths(j) = Format(xDate, "mm-dd-yy")
Next i

(And at start I missed, that not Analysis Toolpack, but Analysis Toolpack
for VBA is needed)

Thanks again!
Arvi Laanemets
( My real mail address: arvil<at>tarkon.ee )

Tom Ogilvy said:
OK, just noticed I misspelled Workday [ bad day :-( ]. Here is a tested
version to demonstrate - demonstrated in the immediate window:

dte = DateSerial(Year(Date),Month(Date)-1,0)
v = Application.Run( "ATPVBAEN.xla!Workday", dte, 1, Range("HolyDays"))
[GetMacroRegId] 'WORKDAY' <
[GetMacroRegId] 'WORKDAY' -> '2142634039' >
? format(v,"mmm dd,yyyy")
May 02,2005

the lines with [GetMacroRegId] are produced by the ATPVBAEN and are just

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