excel97 True False formula not reading cell value correctly



Having a problem with a simple true false formula. Assume A1 contains
the value "E" and B1 contains the formula: if(A1="E",1,0). when true,
it should return 1, but only returns 0. The format menu, cell, number
tab, has 'number' checked. However, it's interesting that the sample
format box shows 0 when it should show a 1.
In a column of formulas, only 2 worked properly (and the cell format
box did show a 1 in these 2 cases), with no evidence as to why those
two formulas worked properly and all others were wrong. I give up -
Help someone, please.

Ken Wright

Gord and Lance likely have the reason for your error as well as some solutions, but just in case
you want another, I would clean the data first using Dave McRitchie's Trimall macro. This will
clear out all the garbage in your data, and is well worth keeping a copy of in your personal.xls
for future use. Works well on data pulled from the web as that often has garabage in it in the
form of extra spaces / characters etc. Then hopefully your formauls will work as they are:-


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