I have written the following procedure:
1 With Worksheets(1).Range("b10:b5000")
2 Set C = .Find("Science", LookIn:=xlValues, Lookat:=xlWhole)
3 If Not C Is Nothing Then
4 firstAddress = C.Address
5 C.Activate
6 End If
7 End With
It is perfectly working under Excel2000 but not under Excel97. In the
latter case, it stops in line 2 (set C =...) and I obtained the
following error : (1004)
Impossible to read the find property of the range class
(My translation of the error message is probably terrible!).
Can you help me to write this in a different manner ? The funny thing,
this code is given as an example of the Find property in the excel97
help file...
Thanks in advance.
I have written the following procedure:
1 With Worksheets(1).Range("b10:b5000")
2 Set C = .Find("Science", LookIn:=xlValues, Lookat:=xlWhole)
3 If Not C Is Nothing Then
4 firstAddress = C.Address
5 C.Activate
6 End If
7 End With
It is perfectly working under Excel2000 but not under Excel97. In the
latter case, it stops in line 2 (set C =...) and I obtained the
following error : (1004)
Impossible to read the find property of the range class
(My translation of the error message is probably terrible!).
Can you help me to write this in a different manner ? The funny thing,
this code is given as an example of the Find property in the excel97
help file...
Thanks in advance.