Excelfix overpriced


Keith Rampey

Does anyone know of a recovery program for excel files
that isn't overpriced?
Free would be great.
I think $89.00 for Excelfix is a bit excessive for a
program we're going to use one time. I think there
should be an alternative out there that works as good,
and doesn't cost 1/3 of what Office Costs in the first
place. Any thoughts appreciated.

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Keith,
Does anyone know of a recovery program for excel files
that isn't overpriced?
Free would be great.
I think $89.00 for Excelfix is a bit excessive for a
program we're going to use one time. I think there
should be an alternative out there that works as good,
and doesn't cost 1/3 of what Office Costs in the first
place. Any thoughts appreciated.

If it will recover a few days worth of work at current rates, I guess
it is heavily underpriced. Same goes for good backup software......


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP


I guess I agree, to an extent, but I'm not a big fan
of Software companies and Hardware Companies taking
advantage of unknowing customers because they can. I
have two partners in a software project right now that
has the potential to net users extreme profits, and we're
going to make it open source. I guess that's why people
like me wave to corporate giants as they fly over our
shacks in their corporate jets!

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