Excell 2007 performance issue


Anand Nichkaode

Hi all,

We are using Excel 2007 for reporting in our organization.
Basically there is a Java web application which instantiates Excel
with an XLAM. This XLAM opens a Report Template(an .xls, .xlsm file).
The Template has a data sheet where data is pasted on number of ranges
and the Report sheet which shows the final report based on the data
from the DataSheet. The ReportSheet contains formulas to show the final
output. It could also contain Charts/Graphs. The data pasted on ranges
is fetched from SQL server. And finally when Macro is run the Template
is saved as a Final Report somewhere on the Report Server.
All these operation occurs on the template saved locally.

The Excel runs in the background in all this process. There could be
multiple instances of Excel running on the same box. The instances run
under separate WindowStations.

What I have noticed is that Opening a Workbook, Saving As and Closing
it takes approximately 5-15 sec, 25-60 sec, and 2-5 sec respectively.

Also XLAM invokes a Macro (from Template) which consists of nothing
but a loop just to simulate something, takes 25+ sec. whereas it should be
taking nothing more than 11-12 sec.

Please let me know if there is any way to improve the performance or find out
the root cause of the issue.

Any help appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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