Excell in web page


Moisés Tavares

im making my first web page with publisher 2003, can some one help how to
link a sheet or cell of a excell file into my web , as for i update excell
file web page is update, how or where can i learn to do it? thk
WRT Moisés Tavares


First, I'm not a MVP....but to add an Excel sheet to your page:
Go to Insert, then Object. When the Insert Object dialog box opens, select
a) create new - you can edit the default the spreadsheet, or;
b) create from file - and select a previously saved spreadsheet.

Moisés Tavares

WRT Moisés Tavares

JMJ said:
First, I'm not a MVP....but to add an Excel sheet to your page:
Go to Insert, then Object. When the Insert Object dialog box opens, select
a) create new - you can edit the default the spreadsheet, or;
b) create from file - and select a previously saved spreadsheet.

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