Excess blank text



I have access97 db, which sends out emails through the the docmd.sendObject

The emails have an rtf attachment which is a report file held in the db.

If the text goes beyond a certain length, it jumps to a second page (as you
would expect), but it adds several blank lines between the page footer of the
first page and the first line of the second page (maybe 10-15 lines).

The relevant access code is

Private Sub Mail_Negotiation_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Mail_Negotiation_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stSubject As String
Dim stSignature As String
Dim stHelpdesk As String

stDocName = "document name"
stHelpdesk = "email address"

stSignature = "Signature"

DoCmd.SendObject acReport, stDocName, acFormatRTF, , stHelpdesk, ,
"Subject Text", stSignature, True

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Mail_Negotiation_Click

and the report vaguely looks like

<Report Header>
</Report Header>
<Page Header>
Empty - 0 hieght
</Page Header>
Main Body of text
<Page Footer>
Page Number
</Page Footer>
<Report Footer>
Empty - 0 height
</Report Footer>

Anyone have any ideas/suggestions how to fix this issue - narrowing it down,
I think it is either an issue with the report (although the report does show
up properly in a preview within access) or in the rtf Word document.

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