Exchange Address Book & Categories


Gary Brower


I¹ve recently started using Entourage to relate to my Exchange server.

This has meant that I have two Œaddress books² appear in my ³Address Book²
pane: one called ³Address Book [On My Computer]² and the other called
³Contacts [Gary.Brower]². The latter is, of course, the Exchange addresses.

I want the Exchange book to be the default, and I would like the categories
(and their color-coding) to apply globally within Entourage (I have several
email accounts not associated with the Exchange account).

How do I make this happen?? It seems that the local (³On My Computer²)
address book is governing the category associations in all of the email


Adam Bailey

Gary Brower said:
This has meant that I have two ?address books‚ appear in my ³Address Book‚
pane: one called ³Address Book [On My Computer]‚ and the other called
³Contacts [Gary.Brower]‚. The latter is, of course, the Exchange addresses.

I want the Exchange book to be the default, and I would like the categories
(and their color-coding) to apply globally within Entourage (I have several
email accounts not associated with the Exchange account).

It's probably best that you not have the same person in both Address Books.
Your Exchange Address Book will always be available to you, even when you're
offline. There's no reason to have people duplicated.

As to your question: try making your Exchange account your default account
(Tools > Accounts > "Make Default" button). See if that helps. (And if not,
see above.)

Gary Brower

Oaky doaky,

I've deleted all the entries in the "On My Computer" book EXCEPT "This is
me" -- which the program won't let me change.

Is there a way to make "me" in the Exchange address book MY contact? It
won't highlight.



Gary Brower said:
This has meant that I have two ?address books‚ appear in my ³Address Book‚
pane: one called ³Address Book [On My Computer]‚ and the other called
³Contacts [Gary.Brower]‚. The latter is, of course, the Exchange addresses.

I want the Exchange book to be the default, and I would like the categories
(and their color-coding) to apply globally within Entourage (I have several
email accounts not associated with the Exchange account).

It's probably best that you not have the same person in both Address Books.
Your Exchange Address Book will always be available to you, even when you're
offline. There's no reason to have people duplicated.

As to your question: try making your Exchange account your default account
(Tools > Accounts > "Make Default" button). See if that helps. (And if not,
see above.)

Adam Bailey

Gary Brower said:
I've deleted all the entries in the "On My Computer" book EXCEPT "This is
me" -- which the program won't let me change.

Is there a way to make "me" in the Exchange address book MY contact? It
won't highlight.

Not that I'm aware of, but you should be fine leaving that alone. You just
want to make sure you don't have duplicate Address Book entries to address
(no pun intended) the issue you're experiencing.

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