Exchange calendar shows up under Exchange account in folder list butnot when I hit calendar button


Michael Levin

I'm running Entourage 2008 on a Mac 10.6.3. I had to delete my Exchange
account and re-sync everything from scratch (because Entourage's awesome
"database rebuild utility" deleted half my stuff and I didn't want it to
propagate up to the server and delete it there).

Previously, when I added an Exchange account, I would see all of its folders
(including contacts and calendar) on the vertical pane on the left, and when
I click the contacts or calendar icon at the very top left of the window,
I'd get a full-window version of the calendar or contacts list. Oddly, now
I see my calendar and contacts data in the folder list on the left (so I
know it's pulling the data and connecting properly) but if I hit the
"calendar" icon, my list shows only a local (empty) calendar - the Exchange
calendar isn't on the list. How come? How do I add it? Same with

Please help.




I click the contacts or calendar icon at the very top left of the window,
I'd get a full-window version of the calendar or contacts list. Oddly, now
I see my calendar and contacts data in the folder list on the left (so I
know it's pulling the data and connecting properly) but if I hit the
"calendar" icon, my list shows only a local (empty) calendar - the Exchange
calendar isn't on the list. How come? How do I add it? Same with

When you click on the top icons, it takes you to a page to view all
calendars. If you look you'll see the "On My Computer" calendar or contacts.

Under View in the Menu bar, you can toggle Show Mail Folders only to get the
little mini icons in the folder list. These are just for "On My Computer".
There is no way to change this. You can open additional windows: one for
mail and the others for Contacts or Calendar. File > New window.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>
YouTalk <> <-- Entourage mailing list
Twitter: follow <>

Michael Levin

Sorry, I'm missing something. In the Menu bar, I have the Calendar and
Addressbook icons under both, Folders on My Computer and the Exchange
server. I can indeed toggle them by Show Mail Folders. But the thing that's
driving me nuts is that on all my other Entourage installations, I see all
the calendars (including the Exchange one) when I hit the Calendar icon on
top, and same for the Exchange Addressbook. On this one machine (on which it
used to work fine until I deleted the Exchange account and added it back),
hitting Calendar only shows the On my Computer one, not the Exchange one,
even though I know it is able to connect (because it has the right info if I
hit Calendar under the Exchange folder list). How do I get it to see the
Exchange Calendar on the Calendar view?
You can open additional windows: one for
mail and the others for Contacts or Calendar. File > New window.

that's just it: I can open additional windows, but my Calendar view
doesn't show the Exchange one for some reason! I could attach screengrabs to
a reply if it would help but some people won't open a USENET post with
attachments. Is there another way to show you what I mean?



Diane Ross

This might be database corruption. Create a new Identity, enter you Exchange
account. I don't think you would have to completely download all messages to

If this fails, post a screenshot/. You can post a screenshot link using a
service like ImageShack, Flickr, PhotoBucket.

A 'web page' solution, no additional software is required. You create your
account, follow the step by step and your selected image(s) are online.

Software from Google which does many of the same things as Apple's own

Software from Apple which, when combined with a MobileMe account provides a
quick and easy way to publish pictures. There is an iPhoto 09 Guided Tour
available to view here

You could drop a copy of the image into your MobileMe Public folder and let
folks grab their own copy. Of course you have to tell folks what the
MobileMe account name is. :) All they need to do once they have that
info is to go to the Finder, hit the Go menu>iDisk>Other User's Public
Folder and type in the account info.


Sorry, I'm missing something. In the Menu bar, I have the Calendar and
Addressbook icons under both, Folders on My Computer and the Exchange
server. I can indeed toggle them by Show Mail Folders. But the thing that's
driving me nuts is that on all my other Entourage installations, I see all
the calendars (including the Exchange one) when I hit the Calendar icon on
top, and same for the Exchange Addressbook. On this one machine (on which it
used to work fine until I deleted the Exchange account and added it back),
hitting Calendar only shows the On my Computer one, not the Exchange one,
even though I know it is able to connect (because it has the right info if I
hit Calendar under the Exchange folder list). How do I get it to see the
Exchange Calendar on the Calendar view?

that's just it: I can open additional windows, but my Calendar view
doesn't show the Exchange one for some reason! I could attach screengrabs to
a reply if it would help but some people won't open a USENET post with
attachments. Is there another way to show you what I mean?



Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>
YouTalk <> <-- Entourage mailing list
Twitter: follow <>


I'm running Entourage 2008 on a Mac 10.6.3. I had to delete my Exchange
account and re-sync everything from scratch (because Entourage's awesome
"database rebuild utility" deleted half my stuff and I didn't want it to
propagate up to the server and delete it there).

Previously, when I added an Exchange account, I would see all of its folders
(including contacts and calendar) on the vertical pane on the left, and when
I click the contacts or calendar icon at the very top left of the window,
I'd get a full-window version of the calendar or contacts list. Oddly, now
I see my calendar and contacts data in the folder list on the left (so I
know it's pulling the data and connecting properly) but if I hit the
"calendar" icon, my list shows only a local (empty) calendar - the Exchange
calendar isn't on the list. How come? How do I add it? Same with

Please help.



The database rebuild should just delete the Exchange account and
recreate it, deleting all cached data. It does this rather than try to
rebuild the cache because the 'master data' is the copy stored on the
server (this does have the unfortunate side effect of losing any edits
you have made to cached emails). The local store is only rebuilt for
POP accounts (the 'on my computer' folders).

Try deleting the exchange account again and recreating it. What you
describe is not something I have seen before and is not normal
behaviour. Deleting the acount in Entourage will not affect data stored
on the server. Got to 'tools:Accounts', select the exchange account and
delete it. When you recreate the acount, all data should be synced
froom the server.

Barry Wainwright
Microsoft MVP
(see for more information)
Like most MVPs, I am responding to your query through the public
newsgroup channel (NNTP). Microsoft is planning to close the public
newsgroups which would effectively disable this channel and may affect
the number of answers that are given. Please post any concerns you have
about these plans in this newsgroup so we can forward them on to

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