ok here's some facts that might help us determine the problem.
We only have one server, which runs WinS2K8 and Ex2K7.
The servers computer name is "srvzpdc"
our internal domain is "zeropoint.net"
our external OWA direct link is "
https://mails.zeropointusa.com/owa <
Also, we have autodiscover enabled, but it doesn't work becuase we haven't paid for a legit certificate, we only have our self signed certs.
my entourage client is configured using "srvzpdc" as the server name. It's a desktop, so it will never leave the office. Hence the no need for configuring it with OWA, which we have also done.
Here,s my steps to setting up Entourage, and the following Errors.
1. Start Entourage, Click Tools>Accounts
2. Choose New>Exchange
3. The Account Setup Assistant displays with my email address automatically entered into the email address field and the box called "My account is on an Exchange Server" is automatically checked too. I click the right arrow on the bottom right of the window to continue to the next step.
4. Immediately, I am displayed with a popup window that says a secure connection cannot be established with autodiscover.zeropointusa.com becuase the server name or IP address does not match the server name or IP address on the certificate. I click OK and continue.
5. Entourage works while "Entourage is configuring account settings"
6. It asks for my domain name, account ID, and password, all of which I enter and choose OK.
7.Entourage reports that it CANNOT automatically setup my account. I click the right arrow to continue to the next step.
8. I and and do not change any of the settings on page 4, and click the right arrow again to continue.
9.On this page, I click "Verify My Settings" and the results are "Verification Succeeded. Your account settings have been verified successfully." I click the right arrow to continue.
10. I set the account name and click "Finish"
11. I am immediately prompted to enter my account password again, so I do, and click OK. I can see the bar moving on the bottom right corner of the main Entourage window, so I know it's trying to check something. This entire time and forever, the words "not connected" are displayed next to the new email account name that is displayed on the left side of the main entourage window.
12. No emails or any of my public folders are displayed.
That's my entire process. Any suggestions? The account settings that it automatically discovers and sets uses the server computer name for the location of the account "srvzpdc"